Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Fun time volunteering

Did some goodie bag stuffing for the Marin County Triathlon. Great people there tonight. Great cause that the Triathlon helps. Found out all proceeds get donated to the Lymphoma and Prostate cancer foundations. Pro winner checks also get donated. Fighting my own battle is a little easier knowing people like this are out there helping others. This weekend should be a great time for all. Will definetly be working more with this group.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Back to work

Looking forward to being back to work. Tried last week on Wednesday but should not have done it. Still have the swelling so afternoon Dr. visit should find out what were going to do. I'll also see the oncologist and will find out what our plan of action will be. I know we'll do the Interferon but we'll come out with a timeline. Don't think I'll be able to do the Marin Triathlon. If I get the drain out and soreness is at least bearable I might give it a try. I'll know Friday. If I can't I'll volunteer to work the Kids Triathlon on Saturday. I like working with the kids so it should be fun away. That's it today.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Feeling better.

Reconnecting with a friend from back home. Haven't seen each other for quite sometime. Great to catch up. This person makes me smile every time. Thanksgiving is going to be great this year. Family and friends is what is needed and it's what I am looking forward to. Can't wait!

Friday, October 15, 2010


Left arm keeps swelling up. Gotta go back and get a new drain put in. Want to get healed so I can do the Triathlon on the 30Th. Just have to solve this problem. Walked a good 2 miles today and tried to jog but this swelling hurt. How do women do this. Even with a jog bra can't imagine it. Tuesday is results day. We know the answer but still getting anxious. Guess that's what it's all about. I'll call my sister after and then she'll make me feel better. She always does. Thank God for older sisters. Weekend coming so I'll have to get some good exercise in. Till later. Have fun!!!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Karma really working good right now!!

Just got an e-mail from Mark the Race Director of the Marin County Triathlon. I volunteered to work this event and also wanted to participate but with the medical issues going on and all the co-pays I have it was out of my budget. Well today I got an e-mail from Mark and he is waving the entry fee for me so I can compete. Now my daughter and others who wish can go and watch me do what it is I do and why I do stuff like this to push myself. What started out as one of the most terrible months ever is turning into one of the best.. It's all about attitude and how you direct it.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Serious man boobs

Wow , woke up this morning and the drain from surgery in not working right. Left side is filled up with fluid. Humm, Some women pay big money for this kind of boobage. Oh well, just have to go in and get a reduction. :-o Interesting situation to be going through. Minor thing in the long run. My daughter is taking me in today. Brothers got a bad cold. Funny, everyone around me is getting sick!!! Oh well. Off to the Dr. office. Can't wait to go back to work. Going nuts.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

New Day to start new

Well, went out for a walk today. Wanted to run but it got a little painfull. Have to go back to the Dr. Wednesday just to get a little tweek on the drain from surgery. Got a present in the mail today. My own Tri wetsuit. Couldn't believe it. Wanted one and not the make I wanted but hey, it's great. Not going to ask where it came from but someone is pushing for me to go for it. So many people pulling for me I just don't want to let anyone down. More to come in the future.

Monday, October 11, 2010

New Challenge

Well, here we go on another adventure. You gotta love life. After the Pacific Grove race I was told my cancer came back. I ended up having surgery October 8Th to remove the tumors and am now home recovering. At this point were just trying to slow it down. I guess I'll start training next week. No time off this winter. To many events I want to do next year. I'm hoping for Kona next October. I want to do a full Ironman. I start Interferon treatments in a couple of weeks and not sure how that's going to affect me and my schedule. Not going to let this slow me down. I met a Elite athlete in Triathlon this Summer, Dan Mcintosh. Keep an eye out for this guy. Very inspirational and very positive towards me and his own goals. Very bright guy and dedicated. I'll update the site when I have more info on my own treatments. Don't worry about me always focus on your own goals in life. Mine only matter to me!!!