Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Last week of work for awhile

Well, last days of work before disability starts. Minimum of 3 months. Never been off work for more than 3 weeks. Getting itchy. Started my pills this week and start chemo in 2 weeks. Going to be quite the mix. Getting tired of doing treatments and stopping cause it doesn't work. I just have to plug along. This is a clinical trial sponsored by Pfizer. If it doesn't help me, maybe someone down the road will benefit. Bike and swim this weekend before I go down for awhile. Just about the only thing that relaxes me. Really enjoy it. Later.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Start of a new Treatment

Well, Here we go again. New treatment. Last one didn't work. No BRAF gene so can't do that. So I got into a clinical trial at UCSF. Hope this stops it or reverses it. If not I'm running out of options. Won't stop but just take a different step. New York was great. Got some good info from top people in the field. Saw an old friend from High School. Really boosted my spirits. Strange things going on so theirs a reason for all this. I just keep my faith and keep going. Believe me, prayer works!! More later

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Off to NYU

Well, Traveling to NYU. Just getting a conformation on my situation. Start radiation next week and 6 weeks of that. Hope this works out. They have a drug that shows promise and will start trials soon. Hope I get taken into that trial but we'll see. More info to come.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Well, More surgery. Just when I try and get moving forward I have to step back. After this I have a Lung biopsy and then Radiation for 6 weeks. I really miss training. Might go biking before I go to the Hospital. This whole process get tiring but has to be done. My Sister and Brother and especially my Daughter have been fantastic. Can't imagine doing this without them. More in a couple of days with how this is working out.